
This Dress Is Not a Muumuu

cardi: hand-me-down // dress: thrifted // belt: f21
shoes: target
I kind of love this dress. 
It has about as much shape as a paper bag, and the material bunches up awkwardly when I stick a belt on it, but that embroidery...I die. The embroidery makes it all worth it.

In other news, I've made the important decision that when I have my own house, I will never have plants in it - real or fake. Dusting hundreds of individual fake leaves yesterday put me off houseplants forever.
linking up with Sunday Style


5 Down, Tons to Go...

There are now 270 days until graduation, which I'm sure will go by way too fast.

As much as I may not love school itself, I love learning. So that's going to be my focus this year, and I will work hard for the sake of that love.

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Addictions// see this post

Bed Size// XL twin. I used to have a queen, but it had to go. [sad face]

Chore you hate// I actually really like cleaning...I guess my least favorite chore would be scrubbing the floor. It hurts my knees!

This picture's image number was my birth year. So I figured that was a sign, and I should use it for this post.
Dogs or cats// Dogs scare me to death and I'm ridiculously allergic to cats. But every once in a while, I find a dog I can fall in love with, so I'll go with dogs.

Essential start of your day// Food. Oh, and prayer. But mainly food.

Favorite color// I rotate between various happy colors, but I always come back to blue. Orange is a close second, though.

Gold or silver// Gold, definitely.

Height// Between 5'6'' and 5'7''. It depends on the day.

Instruments you play// Piano, Clarinet, and Organ. I kinda sing sometimes. And I can play a mad "Hot Cross Buns" on the trumpet.

Jam flavor// Pomegranate. Hands down.

Kids// Currently, none. One day, lots. I'm hoping for 8 right now. We'll see how much that changes after the first few...

Live// Sunny California! Valley girl through and through.

Monopoly piece//The top hat. I have a special place in my heart for top hats.

Nickname// I don't really have one...not much you can do with "Niamh".

Overnight hospital stays// None as of yet, thank goodness.

Pet peeve// Hyper-sensitivity in people. Like, when they get offended over anything and everything. I'm finding myself having a very low tolerance for that lately. Oh, and when people don't use their blinkers.

Quote from a movie// "Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery and I promise you, something great will come of it." (We Bought a Zoo)

Right- or left-handed// I'm a rightie.

Siblings// Five, all younger - two girls (twinsies, the lucky ducks!) and three boys.

Time you wake up// It really depends on how much schoolwork I need to get done that morning. My alarn is usually set for 3:20 am during the school year, but it's not uncommon for me to sleep in until 6:00 am or later. It's pretty bad. During the summer, I'll generally be up by 8 at the latest.

Underwear// Honestly, whatever's cheap.

Vegetables you dislike// Peas. Yuck.

What makes you late// Sleeping. I do far too much of it. And having nothing to wear. #firstworldproblems

X-rays you've had// Plenty on my teeth. When I was in first grade I had to get x-rays on my stomach. I don't remember why. I think there was a rash involved, but that doesn't really seem to connect. I had an MRI on my knee once, too.

Zoo animal//If they had hedgehogs at the zoo, that'd be it. Since they don't (not at my zoo, anyway), I'll go with the fennec fox!

P.S. Inspiration for this post here

                                 ****Don't forget to enter the FIRMOO GIVEAWAY!****


Addicted Lately

This is a picture of me at the beach from last week. It has nothing to do with the post, but aren't we cute?
My boards were rapidly growing for a few weeks...and then they were rapidly shrinking....and now I'm going crazy again. 
Two reasons for the shrinking:
1 // When I'm in a pinning frenzy, I pin a lot of stuff that I'm not actually as 
crazy about the next day as I am in the moment.  
You Don't Own on Your Blog. Now I'm paranoid. And concerned with doing the right thing,
but mainly paranoid.So I'm going through my Pinterest boards making sure everything is linked
to the original source, and I'm obeying their copyright laws...and I did that before I changed all the
pictures on my blog because it seemed less overwhelming. But now that I actually think about it, I
only have 150-ish posts, but hundreds of pins...so I don't know where that reasoning came from. I
guess I'll start with the blog before I do any more pins...silly me.

Looove it. 'Nuff said.

I've had to start reading for school rather than my own entertainment, but that's better than nothing.

I do it too much. I don't do it enough. It's really becoming an issue.
For example: The other day, I needed to read a chapter in my history text book. So I sat down at 8:00 pm and read a page...and woke up at 10:00 pm. I really had to read that chapter, so I woke up way early the next morning. I sat down at about 4:20 am and read a page...and woke up at 6:15 am. I never did read that chapter.

Fool-proof for any occasion

They're not jeans, because they're too stretchy. They're not leggings, because the material is too substantial. They're not jeggings, because they don't resemble jeans at all, in appearance or texture. They're kind of just really stretchy slacks....so I dub them sleggings. And I love them.

I'm new to this, but I'm thoroughly obsessed. Not to mention extremely upset that Christopher Eccleston only got one season.

Anyone else "suffering" from any rather pleasant addictions?

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Because Sometimes Contacts Are No Fun

top: thrifted // cardi: hand-me-down // belt: thrifted // necklace: vintage
skirt: f21 // shoes: thrifted // glasses: nine west
When you've been wearing contact lenses for long enough, apparently people forget that you ever had glasses. And then they're shocked and give you lots of compliments (and the occasional "What's with the Clark Kent glasses?") when they see you in them, and it's kind of nice. 

I'm totally in love with my new glasses. It's nice to wake up and not have to worry about poking myself in the eye for the sake of being able to see. My contacts aren't going away for good, but these glasses will definitely be making more frequent appearances - especially on the sweat-pants-and-messy-bun days of finals week.
****Speaking of glasses....don't forget to enter the FIRMOO GIVEAWAY!****

Linking up with Sunday Style


That One Time I Actually Cooked the Dinners I Pinned

Actually, it was a few times. We usually don't stray far off the beaten path in terms of what we cook for dinner, so when I got put in charge of the menu for two weeks, I made sure to include some variety, courtesy of my Pinterest boards. Here are the four I remembered to take pictures of...

So maybe this one isn't actually from Pinterest, but isn't it pretty? This was my first time cooking fish, so we made it nice and simple, just adding lemon pepper and Old Bay spice, with a lemon to squeeze on top. The asparagus just has olive oil, lemon pepper, and cheddar/jack cheese. 

This was a bit of a fail {as in,70% wouldn't mind never having it again}...but hey, at least it looks pretty!

Holy cannoli, this was amazing. Next time, I'll be putting less cheese, because it got to be a bit much, but still - oh, cheesy goodness, it was delicious. 

Again with the cheese...and it was just as good. As long as you ignore the calorie intake , you can never have enough.
recipe here

Have any of you had any recent Pinterest cooking successes {or fails. Because fails are always fun.}?
Or, better yet, any to-die-for recipes to share???

Here's to a fabulous weekend!

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Dear Boys,

Dear D,

I can't really stand you at all.


to the gentleman in the blue,

you're way too cool of a guy to end up with someone who's going to mess you up as much as she will.

the girl in the gray

Dear Louis,

It's kind of annoying how I always go back to thinking that you're a pretty swell guy. But I mean ... you really are. It surprises me every time.


Dear Line-back,

I don't think you know how much some of the things you do mean to me - but they mean a lot. You're pretty cool.


Dear Taken,

It's not really fair how you're so incredibly attractive and good at everything and nice...and off-limits. And to top it all off, I actually think that you and your girlfriend are a really cute couple.


Dear Muskateer,

You were the best - thank you for going along with all of the cute stuff.


Dear Rooster,

Oy. The cockiness - it drives me insane!

Quit it, punk.

My dearest Stripling Warrior,

I'm thankful for the girls in your life that are encouraging you to keep worthy. Don't worry, I have guys that are doing the same.

All my love and then some,
Your Virtuous Woman...in training

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These PANTS.

This picture, taken two seconds before driving off, does not in any way do these pants justice. But right now I'm pretty comfortable in my yoga pants and t-shirt, and getting dressed to retake pictures isn't very high on my list of priorities. I'll showcase these pants in another post someday...but for now this will have to do.

I'm headed off to camp at the beach tomorrow! Luxury camping...with cabins and real bathrooms and cooks...the works. It's only three days, but I'm going to love every second. To be honest, my favorite part is the fact that I get to wear sweaters every day. I'm sick of this summer weather - give me autumn already!

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Linking up with Sunday Style


Back to Reality

Somehow, I forgot to mention that I was going to Disneyland. Which is strange, considering that I've been absolutely ecstatic about it for quite a while - but anyway, I went to Disneyland! We drove down Monday, spent all of Tuesday (from opening to closing) in the park, and came back Wednesday.

I love Disneyland. I was skipping down Main Street wide-eyed as if I'd never been there before - definitely more excited than any of the kids.

I'm not going to document the whole trip - but there's one thing I have to mention. When we were waiting in line for Indiana Jones, the ride was having technical difficulties. So we had all been stuck there for quite a while, and I'm sure a lot of people were getting impatient. A guy was exiting the ride, and when he walked by the line of people waiting, he pulled out one of those bubble-blowing machines they sell at the gift shops and sprayed a bunch of bubbles into the crowd.

And basically, that's the type of guy I want to marry.

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