
High FIVE for the Past Few Weeks!

I've been having MAJOR issues actually getting out a High Five for Friday post posted on Friday. I always forget about it until really late at night, and then there aren't any pictures to go with it, and I just decide to let it go. So here are five of the things that would've been on the past few weeks's posts...

1// After waiting and waiting and waiting - I finally saw Les Miserables! And it was stinking good! No, Hugh Jackman cannot sing, but I don't think that really affected anything at all. It really was great - I laughed, I cried, and I Dreamed a Dream and Do You Hear the People Sing? have been stuck in my head ever since. Speaking of which, watch this mash-up. You're welcome in advance.
(P.S. Who wants to tell me how they get videos to be big in their blog posts?)

2// Makeover secret: Switch the side your part is on! I'm actually pretty sure no one noticed but me, but it makes me feel like I got a whole new look!

3// I got flowers! Not a bouquet, though-a bush. A miniature rose bush, which happens to be my favorite kind. I'm pretty surprised the giver remembered that I have a thing for them. I would have a picture of them...but I kinda managed to kill the bush already. Whoops. 

4// Crossing stuff off my bucket list! I rode in a Shelby Cobra Mustang and had leftover pizza for breakfast.

5// I got all exposed skin painted red the other day...and I've never felt more beautiful. #yolo

So tell me - how have your weeks been?

1 comment:

  1. I've missed you!! I love your pics, and I can totally tell t
    he part difference-so cute! Xo


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