
ME, MYSELF, & I ... numero quatre

It's that time of the month again...
the Me, Myself, & I Link-up!

#1) What are your top 5 favorite movies to watch during the Holidays?
The Miracle on 34th Street,
The Nativity Story,
The Santa Claus {gotta love Tim Allen!}
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town,
& Mr. Kreuger's Christmas {even though I cry every time...}

How to Live
#2) It's the month of giving thanks, what are you most thankful for?
Oh, gee.... at least half a million things! Just to name a few,
+ warm socks
+ technology / electricity
+ God's love
+ autumn leaves
+ my opportunities for education
+ the scriptures
+ prayer
+ a supportive, loving family
+ friends that put up with me
+ books ... and having time to read them
+ this here bloggy and all you wonderful readers :)
+ my church
 + warm food
+ the fact that I am healthy and well
+ my divine potential
+ the Atonement
+ love

How to Live
#3) If there was a quote or a verse to describe your like, what would it be?
"I myself am entirely made of flaws, stitched together with good intentions"

#4) Who in your family are you most like?
I think I have my dad's work ethic {except for when I procrastinate...that's purely me}, but personality-wise, I guess I'm most like my mom. My friends who know my mom constantly tell me how something that I said is exactly what my mom would have said. We find the same types of things funny{making fun of each other being on that list}. She's way more outgoing than I am, but I've noticed that the way I talk to new people is pretty similar to the way that she does. Overall, she's a pretty cool person to be like :)

#5) What is your favorite drink order at Starbucks?
As if you haven't been hearing this enough lately...white hot chocolate! When it's not cold, my go-to drink is the Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino, though.

Now go check out everybody else's posts here - and link up your own!
Today's the first day of Thanksgiving Break...finally!

P.S. I'm grateful for
+ Christmas music
+ pecan pie for lunch ... 
+ the opportunity to be grateful. Have you ever 
thought about what a blessing that truly is?


  1. Great list of things to be grateful for :) So glad you linked up!

  2. My personality is a lot like my mom's too.


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